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When You Start Doing These 9 Things, Your Life Will Improve Instantly

There are times where we can find ourselves in a rut, and in need of a change, or sometimes we feel like there is something missing in our lives. The need is there, it is realized, but sometimes we can never seem to get ourselves to really do it.
Starting is always the hardest part, but it doesn’t have to be that hard. When you start doing these 9 things, you will notice that your life will improve in an instant.

1. Get Enough Sleep

Get Plenty of Sleep
This is the easiest, and yet this is often ignored. Getting enough sleep is important if you desire to live a happier and more fulfilling life. It doesn’t just give us time to recuperate from the previous day’s events or activities, it also allows us to rest. Getting enough rest is essential for us to get back on track and improve our lifestyle.
Getting plenty of sleep is not only amazing for your body but it will help keep your mind sharp and restore your will power reserves so you have the energy to consciously create the life you desire, day in and day out.

2. Take Time for Yourself

spending time to yourself
As much as it is important to interact with people, it is also important to save some time for yourself. Too much social interaction can be overwhelming and depending on your personality can cause you to burn out.
Spending time by yourself allows you to listen to your own thoughts, to reflect and to rest without other people trying to get in your way. Turn your phone off for a little while, or lock the bathroom door and sit in the bathtub to relax. Having alone time is essential in order to improve the quality of your life

3. Take Up An Interesting Hobby

take up a hobby
Whether it is rock climbing, gardening, reading, making pottery, writing, photography or playing board games, having a hobby is important in improving the quality of your life. It boosts your creativity and it is a way to relax after a stressful day or week at work.
Hobbies allow you to enjoy what you’re doing, it keeps your mind stimulated and it will keep you happy. Sharing your hobbies with the people around you is another way to increase the enjoyment level and help you live a happier life.

4. Learn From Your Failures

No influential or successful person in the world has not failed before. Your role models are where they are today because of having failed every now and then. It may be embarrassing, but you will probably learn more from your failures than from your successes. How else would be be able to improve if we haven’t failed before?
As important as it is to succeed, it is also important to fail. These two go hand in hand. From your failure, you will know what to do in order to succeed. So if you try your best and don’t succeed, try and try again. Repeat that to yourself whenever you feel like giving up.

5. Clean Up

clean up
There are people that become more productive in a messy environment, but if you want to improve your quality of life, start cleaning and organizing. You will most likely feel a lot better after cleaning up your workspace or even your entire house. It will keep you busy and at the same time help you relax and motivate you to do more in your life. Don’t you feel fulfilled when you see your shelves and floors all squeaky clean?

6. Live Life Your Way

Life Life Your Way
Although it may be difficult at times, it is extremely important to be true to yourself and live life the way you desire. You don’t have to fit in to someone else’s standards, you don’t have to fit in with society’s standards either. What is acceptable to you is more than enough.
If you want to get a haircut that isn’t like the others? Go for it. Do you feel like wearing something snazzy on a regular day? Go for it. You weren’t born to fit in with everyone else, you were born to stand out and be your own person. Once you’ve accepted this, you will be happier.

7. Learn Something New

learn something new
Whether it be a new language, skill, or a sport. Learning new things is very important for growth. It keeps our minds active and stimulated. Try and make time to learn more, and to practice more as well, in an effort to get better. You will be surprised how useful these random skills will become when you least expect it.

8. Be Kind to Others

be kind to others
The world can be a cruel place, we can all agree on that, and sometimes it may seem to be a rare occurrence to meet a genuinely kind person. If you think that there are hardly any nice people where you are, go ahead and be that person. Be that person that will happily hold doors open for other people, encourage someone whenever they’re having a hard time, help old people cross the street, go and volunteer to causes you support, anything. Being kind to others will leave you feeling fulfilled and satisfied with life.

9. Be Kind to Yourself

be kind to yourself
This is probably the hardest thing to do because we tend to beat ourselves up whenever we do something wrong, like in #4. Stop telling yourself you can’t, and start telling yourself you can. If you think you can’t do it, tell yourself otherwise. Shut out the voice that tells you that you can’t do it.
Take some time every morning to tell yourself that you are prepared to complete everything on your daily to do list. As well, don’t be afraid to tell yourself that you look nice. Compliment yourself every now and then, for everything you’ve accomplished. Because if you are kind to yourself, you will boost your self-esteem and you will be more confident in everything you do. Become your own motivation, because you are the only one who could pull yourself up. Be your own best friend.
Source: http://www.wizzed.com/when-you-start-doing-these-9-things-your-life-will-improve-instantly/