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What former Emirates NBD chief Rick Pudner did next - ArabianBusiness.com

Sitting down with Rick Pudner almost a year after Arabian Businessbroke the news he was resigning as group CEO of Emirates NBD, there are two things you instantly notice about his appearance.
His snow white locks could well be a by-product of leading Dubai’s largest bank through the region’s biggest financial crisis, the fallout from the Dubai World debt restructuring and the late nights in meetings trying to stitch the country’s banking system back together.
At the same time, his deep amber tan indicates that he’s been able to get out from behind the desk a bit more. Freedom from the financial headaches of leading a massive banking institution has lent him some time to enjoy the famous Dubai sunshine.
And who can blame him? After 24 years at HSBC, he joined Emirates Bank in 2006 as CEO and successfully steered the lender through its merger with local rival National Bank of Dubai (NBD). Then 2008 came along and we all know what happened then More >>